Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog Planning

It's the beginning of a new month, which means a new opportunity to wipe off my dry erase calendar and plan out the next month, just like I did the month before that and the month before that.  I love my dry erase calendar because everything written on it is just so erasable.  I like to plan, but I also love to change my mind.  I understand that planning out each month's craft projects and blog posts makes the process much more organized, and I love that it helps me remember all the things I've been hoping to write about, but I also think that too much planning can take some of the life out of a blog.  A touch of spontaneity is always a good thing.  

Here's what my calendar looked like in January:

You may notice that I wrote exactly 3 of those posts on the day I had planned to write them.  Oh well, "the best laid plans" and all that, right?  Even though I didn't stick to the schedule, I still referred to the calendar every day as a general guideline, so it was still useful in its own way.

I also use several notebooks to plan out my blog posts.  I carry the little pink ones with me so that I can write down ideas right when I get them.  I have a terrible memory, so these are like a tiny pair of crutches for my brain.  The big black notebook is what I use when I'm at home; it's less portable but more fun to write in.

So basically, my blogging ideas live in a state of organized chaos, just the way I like it.

Do you have a blogging calendar as well?  I'd love to hear about it.

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