Saturday, September 13, 2014

Color Blocked Infinity Scarf

I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately, but I've been knitting like crazy.

I just keep thinking of more and more knitted accessories I'd love to bring with me to Europe this winter.  Normal things like hats and scarves, but also wintertime skating-related things like a million different legwarmers.

I've got one pair of legwarmers on my needles at the moment, as well as my Antrorse sweater for the Very Shannon Summer Sweater Knit Along, a headband for a birthday present, and I just bound off this color blocked infinity scarf yesterday.

I've never had so many knitting projects going all at once before, and I'll be the first to admit that it's getting out of hand.  But I'm just so excited that fall is finally here!

This particular scarf was a really quick knit on giant needles with thick and cuddly yarn from my stash.  I didn't use a pattern; I just made it up as I went along.

I'm planning to work out a few of the kinks and then write up a pattern for it here on the blog. I'll probably release it in the next couple of months, so check back if you're interested!

I'm so glad it's been chilly here in Denver because I seriously never want to take this off my neck.

Happy fall!


  1. This scarf is amazing !!! And you look so beautiful.

  2. so pretty love the yellow woven in :)
    I'm so glad it's fall too and can't wait for it to get cooler in texas :)
