Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Blogging Workspace

I'm in love with our living situation here in Ohio for 2 major reasons: the kitchen and the living room that's large enough to claim a corner of it all for myself.  Yesterday I finished setting up my corner and every time I look over there I can't wipe the smile off my face.  After 6 months on a ship, I can't get over the luxury of having a space to call my own!

Here it is:

I had such a great time picking out what I wanted to put on the walls.  I filled 3 embroidery hoops with pretty fabric, and I'm trying my hand at plant ownership (which probably won't last too long, knowing me).  I dedicated a cork board to knitting so I can keep track of swatches and various pieces of whatever my current project may be, and I made a sticky note calendar (about which I'll be posting a DIY tutorial soon).  I also tried my hand at the string art I've been seeing all over Pinterest: I wrapped a piece of scrap yarn around some nails and framed it with an embroidery hoop.

We originally had an exposed light bulb dangling from the ceiling (don't ask) which I covered with a pretty lantern from the craft store, and I hung my embroidery floss on another cork board in rainbow order.  I also used a cork board and some push pins to hang my washi tape collection; it makes for easy access as well as a pretty display, don't you think?

As for the furniture, I'm using an extra dresser to hold all my craft supplies that aren't on display (namely, a whole bunch of yarn).  I'm using a TV tray as a computer desk, which is working surprisingly well.  The plant is sitting on a box that I covered in fabric.

I can't wait to hang out in this area every morning for the rest of the summer!

Do you have a dedicated blogging or crafting area in your home?  I'd love to hear about it.


p.s. Want to see a picture of what this area looked like before the makeover?  You can check it out on the Creating Laura Facebook Page.


  1. This is lovely! I like the use of the cork boards :) I so wish I had my own little corner to set up for crafting - unfortunately we don't have the space so I just have to put it away in bins when it is not being used. ~Stephanie

  2. So cute! I love the string art. I've been thinking about trying it out too, but I'm not sure about putting that many nails in the wall...

    1. I fully understand your misgivings about the nails. I felt funny about it while I was hammering them in.

  3. This is fab Laura, so inspirational. I myself have a great view out of the window behind my desk to forests and fields, but I think I'll put up some decor around it!
    Don't suppose you have anything for an expectant mother in your crafty repertoire? xxx

    1. Ooh fun! Congratulations! I once knitted a super cute elephant for a baby and I would highly recommend making any of the stuffed animals from the Knitted Wild Animals book (

    2. Fab! I'll check it out! It's my sister-in-law, my first time as an aunt... can't wait!! Thanks so much xx

  4. What a cute space! The area of my house I blog in isn't necessarily a specific blogging space. I wish I had room to make one!

    Ladyface Blog

  5. You've completely inspired me to finish the re-doing of Matt's "ironing room" (aka an empty room with an ironing board and Vegas t-shirts hanging on the wall) that I started 6 months ago to make mine. Thanks for the motivation! Also, cute ice cream card ;-)

    1. Hmmm... I wonder who gave me that adorable card...

  6. Cute office! I especially love all the color and the post-it calendar!
    Sincerely, Sara

  7. what a wonderfully organised space, you're so lucky to have room to spread everything out, it really helps to keep the mind organised too!

    little henry lee

  8. I love your little corner and you decorated it so nicely, I love your lily and your washi tape so cute and organized :)

  9. how cool, what a great job ! I love the idea of the embroidery threads on display :)

  10. This is so great - I am in LOVE with that post-it idea. So simple but really cool. Doing this!

  11. Such a wonderful 'you' space! I'm in the process of empty-nesting and repurposing one of the bedrooms into a craft/office/exercise room. Wonderful ideas :)
